Opinion: This surprise argument could derail Trump's effort to delay the Jan. 6 trial
Opinion: This surprise argument could derail Trump's effort to delay the Jan. 6 trial

An amicus brief from the group American Oversight argues persuasively that the former president's immunity claim doesn't qualify for immediate appeal.

The watchdog organization American Oversight, which is not a party to the case, successfully petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to accept its friend-of-the-court brief on the ground that it provides a “unique perspective.”
Indeed it does. The brief makes the apparently compelling argument that the court shouldn’t be hearing this appeal at all because it lacks jurisdiction — that is, the power to consider it in the first place. If the court agrees, it would mean dismissing the appeal and returning the case to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, abruptly aborting Trump’s best opportunity to delay the federal Jan. 6 trial.