gulag... Marxists have always done their shit. Mao, the greatest mass murderer in all history, that ideological sick man killed ~ 45M people in China, spreading hunger and misery. Even after studying and understanding, it still fascinates me that how anyone can follow the doctrine of a failed bum like Marx, or follow anyone else who followed his sick ideological doctrine
Mao personally shot every one of those people and the bullet would continue on to hit a sparrow. In Tinniemananan square they put a guy into a tank, and didn't stop dunking him.and he was neverr seen again. The Sino-Soviet spilt occured because Khrushev refused to use Stalin's giant spoon to help Mao eat all the grain in China.
That's how evil these people are, they won't even share power to help do badguy stuff.
#LGBT (Yes, if 🇵🇸 could, they would kill all lesbians, gays, trans people... But I'm an idiot.)
#WomenEmpowerment (Yes, 🇵🇸 oppress women. But I stand with Palestine.)