I was just a kid having fun
I was just a kid having fun
I was just a kid having fun
At 16 you should be able to differentiate when it’s the time and place for it. Theater, role playing games, and plenty of other outlets exist for it as an adolescent and adult because it is healthy and fun to continue doing into adulthood.
Exactly. Sad to see that I’m downvoted because people can’t understand that there’s a time and place to let the mind work.
It's probably because your comment leads everyone to believe that you think that the time and place are "never" and "nowhere"
Interesting how the tables turn isn’t it? Not putting thought into a comment and instantly making an assumption rather than thinking about it or even, and I know this is radical nowadays, asking somebody to expand
That's an interesting way to say that your comment was worded very poorly.
Maybe put that thought into your own comments before you post them.