r/abrathatfits - those folks took it to 11 for helping people find the best fitting bras - no matter your shape, size or orientation.
r/makeupaddiction - as someone who constantly feels like they’re putting on greasepaint and not makeup, the sub was great for helping people get their cosmetics game on
r/skincareaddiction. - a great sub for anyone struggling with skin issues
r/haircarescience - another great sub to help people with all their hair struggles
r/loseit, r/cico, r/1200isplenty, and the more discrete offshoots - great for helping me structure dietary goals.
r/hysterectomy, r/diabetes - because support groups matter (and I didn’t find the Hystersisters very supportive when I first went there, years ago).
r/volumeeating, r/eatcheaply and healthfully - lovely food “hacks”
r/criticalrole (I do hope that we regenerate with Lemmy.world as I believe there is a community of Critters there).
r/aquariums - I used to have an aquarium when I was younger. I always wanted one as an adult, but I have to suffice by living vicariously through other enthusiasts.
r/superbowls - because: owls and because it’s fun to watch the American football enthusiasts get “lost" in January.
There are others (I subscribed to almost 250 subreddits), but I can’t remember them off-hand.