Tech bros try to build utopia, but it is just greenwashed cyberpunk
Tech bros try to build utopia, but it is just greenwashed cyberpunk

When we make the podcast, write the blogs, and tend our Patreon garden, most of the time, it feels like shouting into the void. We occasionally hear from one of our supporters on Patreon and sometimes get comments on our various social media accounts, but what we’d really like is for discussions

To boil it down to a single set of bullet points, a group of billionaire investors
secretly bought up enough low–cost agricultural land to build a city that will make them obscenely richer when they sell and lease the resulting residential and commercial properties
used their ownership of parcels of land badly needed by the county to try to leverage the county into granting them the necessary permits and zoning changes
attempted to get the country to cover some of the cost to build pipes to supply water to the city they will profit from building
obtained the rights to that water by buying it from farmers who’ve had the market for their crops crash
and then, despite riling up county officials and local voters with their actions, tried to sell their project as a wonderfully generous social and environmental endeavor.