Beware imposters...
Beware imposters...
Beware imposters...
It’s a little little hit or miss. I really liked some of it, but some of the early stuff wasn’t so great.
So it really is Star Trek, then. :P
People like to forget how many shit episodes of every series there are.
When I would re-watch TNG I used to skip the first two seasons. They're pretty rough, but then I missed some of the good ones (measure of man, for example). Now I just skip the individual crappy ones.
Idk, I watched 2-3 seasons of DSC and gave up, my gf liked it so she kept watching it, whenever I'd watch an episode with her, I wouldn't enjoy it.
DSC convinced her to watch TNG, so we watched it from the start and seasons 1-2 were better than I remembered.
You're not wrong...
I think people are holding SNW in such high regard because when it's compared to the rest of nu-trek, it's god tier. By itself, it's ok. I like it well enough. Plenty of stinkers episodes though. I still have hope for it.
I actually rather like it. I think it’s made good progress past its first season.