Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo
Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo

Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo

Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo
Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo
This is, unfortunately, incredibly common in law enforcement circles. If you're paranoid, EVERYTHING is gang related somehow.
Not only that, but they circulate bad information among themselves. Booklets about how every sports team has it's own gang affiliation, etc.
From another article, one of the tattoos in question:
The US has a greater obsession with tattoos than Japan by this point. If you go to a place in Japan and show off a tattoo, the owner might ask you to leave. The US they'll gulag your ass.
Only of you're brown, white people with tattoos are perfectly acceptable, just look at all the neonazis
Just look at our current secretary of defense.
Now that's a fucking gang tattoo if I've ever seen one. Not like the literal Awareness Ribbon. 🎗️
That’s only one view, he just posted photos on X with even more white supremacist tattoos.
I didn't know he was Georgian
And the tramp stamps on their bleach blonde bimbos.
Seems like most cops have tattoos now.
Those are the gang tattoos we need to worry about.
It's projection; those are often literal gang tattoos.
Not only that, but they circulate bad information among themselves. Booklets about how every sports team has it’s own gang affiliation, etc.
We all know it's the bowling teams that are the gangbangers. I mean look at them. total miscreants!
Fuck you Jesus!
Nobody fucks with the Jesus!
Also, I'm going to add here, the pickleball maffia.