We Shouldn’t Have to Work This Hard
We Shouldn’t Have to Work This Hard

We Shouldn’t Have to Work This Hard

We Shouldn’t Have to Work This Hard
We Shouldn’t Have to Work This Hard
Try growing your own food and fuel for cooking and heating. Then you’ll know work.
How do I grow fuel?
Anything grown for vegetable oil which can be used in a modified diesel engine often called greasel.
Nope; they said fuel for cooking and heating.
How specifically in a detailed process that a layman can follow do I do that?
No, no. You misunderstand.
You said it anything grown for vegetable oil can be used. Walk me through that entire process starting with plating the seeds in the ground and ending with cooking.
Oh im totally not going to do that. You are aware of what oil comes from what regardless of if you use olive, peanut, canola, sunflower, etc. There is skill in the pressing of anything efficiently but its not rocket science to to it inefficiently. Getting oil from seeds/nuts/plants is not the hard part but im not writing up or even looking up documentation on it for you.
starting with plating the seeds in the ground and ending with cooking.
Sounds like you're pretty aware of the process so let me offer the alternative view you seem to be pushing:
Why would we want to do those things solo?