Weyouns, Ranked
Weyouns, Ranked

Weyouns, Ranked

Weyouns, Ranked
Weyouns, Ranked
Weyoun 5 was my favorite. His scene where he plays dabo, drinks the poisoned kanar, and watches Sisko and Dukat argue is great.
Damar's first meeting with Weyoun 8 always gives me a laugh though!
Maybe you should talk to Worf again
The "Well Hello!" he gives Weyoun 8 when he walks in is good too!
Oh god, it's so good, I give the same "Well hello!" Like that every chance I gave to use it.
I have been known to do the same! It's a lot of fun to work Trek references into everyday conversation.
Especially when no one else around you gets it.
That's the best part! Although in rare cases the flicker of recognition the other person has can mean you found an interesting person to talk to!