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  • Trump is following Hitler's cookbook: change the schools, small kids are easier to form/change than adults. I only hope teachers keep teaching what is honest and good!

  • All federal funding will stop

    That's the only part here anyone needs to know.

    He'll threaten to pull funding for his stupid pet issues first, then pull it anyways for everyone else.

    Therefore, fucking ignore his threats, nothing you can do will ever appease him and he will go back on his own word like it's a bodily function.

  • At this point and with all these new and ilogical rules, Trump is basically Dolores Umbridge!

    We need a giant to take him down!

  • Look at what happens when you don’t burn the fascist the moment it pops up. It will get worse and then even more worse.

    I wish the non-mouth breathing half of the US the best of luck.

  • What can you say to that? The Americans knew what they were getting into. They elected a fascist to power who is abolishing democracy. In case you didn't know it yet, let me tell you: America is on the way to becoming a dictatorship.

  • I used to be the pride of my family for having finished college. Now it's demonized by them.

    I feel for the students of today. College was an important time for me. I experienced a lot of new ideas, my mind was opened. I didn't get to do much in grad school, but my first four years of college changed me and I wouldn't be the same without those experiences. The way the situation is escalating we may see colleges completely locked down or even abolished.