Weekly Discussion Post (13 Jan 2025)
Weekly Discussion Post (13 Jan 2025)
Weekly Discussion Post (13 Jan 2025)
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Where can I find Sum Of Ranks (SoR) WCA world ranking?
Yestherday, Luke Garrett became #1 in the world for Sum Of Ranks average. In his youtube video, we can see a SoR ranking web page.
Do you know which site is it from please?
Based on the screenshot, it reminds me of this website that also gives you end of year review of your WCA results. That one was a Chinese website that I can't remember right now (I originally found it shared on Reddit)
"Chinese" was a good clue! I found it.
Ranking is here: cubing.com/results/statistics/sum-of-ranks
Thank you @thisisdee :)
Not the same website, but you can calculate here: https://cubingapp.com/calculate-sum-of-ranks/