Discussion thread - 13 January
Discussion thread - 13 January
Discussion thread - 13 January
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If these parents didn't have this little girl, I wonder what they would do all day, let alone what Turdie's content would consist of. Shane should be ashamed of himself, what a useless lump he appears to be. I would be so embarrassed if that was my husband and people saw him like that in my internet videos.
Forgive me and I hope I'm wrong, I don't have kids and am rarely around children that young, but L seems to be so ...stunted? for a 4 year old. How did she not know the toy was a baby? The Elsa princess dress needed to be washed, so the only suitable alternate is a floofy fairy dress with wings?? What about normal loungewear?
It’s hard to say because kids can be so different at that age but she definitely has an interesting way of speaking. She is very repetitive and seems to mimic a lot. I don’t know if it’s because they constantly talk to her in that baby voice bullshit or what.
They’ve (Sarah and NK especially) turned that kid into a cartoon tbh. I don’t have kids either nor do I spend a lot of time around them but I do agree with you. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the fact she’s so coddled, sheltered and is always being pushed to perform for the camera. She always comes as robotic to me because she always seems like she’s being fed a script and nothing seems natural about her. Doesn’t help she’s ALWAYYYYYSSSS plopped infront of a Disney movie. Poor kid really needs a life outside of NK’s home and her own home, she needs interactions with other people (teachers and kids).
I have kids and they were all speaking in full sentences, having independent thoughts and we could have conversations when they were this age but we always spoke to them like people. We never used baby talk or sing song voices and we engaged them in speaking with people all the time. They weren’t in front of screens just consuming all the time.
I swear all I hear most of the time is Wow, Oh Wow, good job on repeat. I guess they have given up on gymnastics? No swim lessons?
Nothing! That poor child is involved in absolutely nothing!! It’s the saddest thing to see when she’s plopped in front of yet another Disney movie. I have three kids and by no means am I an expert but L does appear to be behind. She really has been turned into a cartoon.
It’s so sad, I feel bad for her. She seems SO enthusiastic too, I’m sure she’d thrive in some sort of classes/lessons. I’m sorry but she deserves more than doing crafts at nana’s infront of the tv or watching the same movie over and over again at home.