๐ฟ - 2024 DAY 9 SOLUTIONS -๐ฟ
๐ฟ - 2024 DAY 9 SOLUTIONS -๐ฟ
Day 9: Disk Fragmenter
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Quite messy
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Array.ST import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe parse = zip ids . fmap digitToInt . takeWhile (/= '\n') ids = intersperse Nothing $ Just <$> [0 ..] expand :: [(a, Int)] -> [a] expand = foldMap (uncurry $ flip replicate) process l = runSTArray $ do arr <- newListArray (1, length l) l getBounds arr >>= uncurry (go arr) where go arr iL iR = do (iL', iR') <- advance arr (iL, iR) if iL' < iR' then swap arr iL' iR' *> go arr iL' iR' else return arr swap arr i j = do a <- readArray arr i readArray arr j >>= writeArray arr i writeArray arr j a advance arr (h, t) = (,) <$> advanceHead arr h <*> advanceTail arr t where advanceHead arr i = readArray arr i >>= \case Nothing -> return i _ -> advanceHead arr (succ i) advanceTail arr i = readArray arr i >>= \case Nothing -> advanceTail arr (pred i) _ -> return i checksum = sum . zipWith (*) [0 ..] process2 l = runSTArray $ do let idxs = scanl' (+) 1 $ snd <$> l iR = last idxs arr <- newArray (1, iR) Nothing forM_ (zip idxs l) $ \(i, v) -> writeArray arr i (Just v) runMaybeT $ go arr iR return arr where go :: MArr s -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) () go arr iR = do (i, sz) <- findVal arr iR (findGap arr sz 1 >>= move arr i) <|> return () go arr $ pred i type MArr s = STArray s Int (Maybe (Maybe Int, Int)) findGap :: MArr s -> Int -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) Int findGap arr n i = do mx <- lift $ snd <$> getBounds arr guard $ i <= mx ( do Just (Nothing, v) <- lift (readArray arr i) guard $ v >= n hoistMaybe $ Just i ) <|> findGap arr n (succ i) findVal :: MArr s -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) (Int, Int) findVal arr i = do guard $ i >= 1 lift (readArray arr i) >>= \case Just (Just _, sz) -> hoistMaybe $ Just (i, sz) _ -> findVal arr $ pred i move arr iVal iGap = do guard $ iGap < iVal Just (Nothing, gap) <- lift $ readArray arr iGap v@(Just (Just _, sz)) <- lift $ readArray arr iVal lift . writeArray arr iVal $ Just (Nothing, sz) lift $ writeArray arr iGap v when (gap > sz) . lift . writeArray arr (iGap + sz) $ Just (Nothing, gap - sz) part1 = checksum . catMaybes . elems . process . expand part2 = checksum . fmap (fromMaybe 0) . expand . catMaybes . elems . process2 main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . parse
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