Racism is worse, because it's about community - us against them. It provides a focal point for anger and action that doesn't require self reflection or personal growth.
Misanthropy ... Have you met our species? Violent, destructive, shortsighted, tribalistic apes swarming across their only home devouring it resources and destroying their own habitat with careless abandon.
Individual humans - we can be amazing. Humans at moments when we overcome our tribalism and selfishness - wonderful.
But humankind? Overall, we suck. Misanthropy just realism.
I think this about sums it up... I'm sorry, I really am, I was such an advocate for human kind and had such hope for it, up until about 10 years ago... and then I just gave up... I mean, it can take a long time to fill a cup if you just drip in it, but eventually, it will get full 🤷.