Discussion thread - 8 October
Discussion thread - 8 October
Discussion thread - 8 October
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She is just beyond belief. She’s going to Paris and only has 2 hours but thinks she should go to Disney instead of seeing Paris. I don’t know why anyone follows her. She doesn’t appreciate the opportunities she’s been given.
She is truly so pathetic. Gets a free opportunity of a lifetime, people dream of moments like this and her biggest concern is using her two precious hours in Paris to go to Disney.
She has money to make a trip to Disney Paris happen herself but god forbid she spend her own money for that. She’s just grifting for a free trip to Disney Paris now.
Ugh. This pisses me off. This entitled bitch is humming and haaaing about going to Disney paris while the world ismin chaos. NC is under water...war in Middle East, hurricane about to hit Tampa hard, people under financial stress and she has the audacity to ask her followers if she should go to Disney to take a pic (would have to pay to get in which isn't cheap) or go at a later time for the full experience. Fucken hate her!
Not to mention the time she’s probably spent in that bathroom obsessing over how she looks instead of enjoying her surroundings. She’s such sad human. She resharing a lot too which means she’s just sitting around scrolling. She could go learn to ride a bike.
I hope.this makes every single person unfollow. How privileged is she? Oh and Birdshit, your hair is fried!! I also think caudalineeeee is making your face puffy and red...lmfao. love that for you!
She'll blame it on French for not having gluten free offerings for her.
Face so puffy from all the wine drinking
She would ditch the entire group and eff off to Disney , such a spoiled selfish wanker.
Did she ditch the group or did she actually have the ability to read the room and realize none of them like her? Also going off on her own gives less chance of more candid shots from them
No she decided not to, not enough time. Luckily someone with a brain messaged her to say that it is unrealistic, she’s still a spoiled selfish wanker though 😬
And thinking maybe she’d just go to Disney to get a selfie and try the food… Imagine being so utterly clueless to even say that! The food, history, culture in Paris doesn't even seem to be on her radar and she isn’t remotely interested. Just thinking about Disney and filtering and editing herself into oblivion on her mind, as usual. 🙄