my f1nn5ter stance
my f1nn5ter stance
i hope he's changed! and i'm glad people being shitty to trans women using femboys as a cudgel no longer have such a high profile tool to use! but i need people to understand this
my f1nn5ter stance
i hope he's changed! and i'm glad people being shitty to trans women using femboys as a cudgel no longer have such a high profile tool to use! but i need people to understand this
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It's an incredibly mild complaint compared to how harmful this behaviour was but I am also annoyed by how F1nnster hid taking HRT. Trans people don't need to be out but their whole channel was about being a cis man on T who was just that girly which obviously was a lie. I tried to shake some sense into countless boymoders who were dooming because they were "manlier than a cis guy" and would not believe she was lying about not taking HRT.
At least this video will hopefully put an end to all the cope from insecure trans girls beating themselves down using him as a cudgel but probably not.
Why do you think the public was entitled to know he was taking HRT? People come out when they want to come out. I think it's disgusting that you're criticizing a gender-fluid person for not coming out when YOU wanted them to. And he is well within his rights for expressing his feminine side while still calling himself a guy.
the reason is very clearly stated there, which is that the entire thing his channel was based on was that he was an ordinary cis guy who looked like that and it's now clear that was untrue. he was something used against trans women by transmisogynists regularly. either "why can't you just be a feminine man, like him" or saying he was prettier or some other similar bullshit
And he is well within his rights for expressing his feminine side while still calling himself a guy.
of course! i do not begrudge anyone who does that. however, in addition to the above, he on several occasions made videos* that heavily leaned on some super transphobic tropes, about the idea of an attractive women secretly turning out to be a man as this big twist. that shit gets people killed irl, so him doing it as a joke for content is both in poor taste and also perpetuating that idea that tricking men is what we do as trans women. and it's also his whole gimmick to begin with, and that was how i heard about him. he was the streamer/youtuber who looks like a girl but is a man, that was his thing. the fact that he was lying about that for months, maybe longer, is something that it's perfectly reasonable to be mad about for a whole host of reasons
I see those titles and I see someone attempting to explore their identity, albiet in a out-of-touch streamer way and with clickbaity headlines. Anyone who used him as ammunition against other trans people would've just clung onto something else as a weapon if he didn't make his content the way he did.
Stop sowing division in the trans community over something petty. I think the way he made content potentially had a positive impact on many gender-nonconforming people, because he showed that you don't have to identify as trans in order to explore your identity and how you express yourself.
You're upset that he "lied" about being on HRT? Did you tell everyone right away when you started HRT? I would imagine you told people when you were ready. Fin was still figuring out his flavor of gender-queerness and probably didn't want to be pigeon-holed into being called a transwoman by his community. He probably thought it was nessessary to reinforce the idea of "I'm a guy, but I look like a gal." through his videos so much to avoid that.