Can we have an open source Google Assistant alternative?
What if we use the Google Speech utility to make it work?
I'm tired of apps not integrating themselves with Assistant.
I use Microsoft To-do for work. And I have a Windows device so it's extremely convenient for me since it syncs it.
But when I ask Google to add a task, it won't do that. (Refer to the attached image.) It will only add tasks or reminders to its own shitty Tasks app.
So, I want to be able to automate my work by having some service that can do this, and doesn't have to depend on Assistant or the devs to add Assistant compatibility...
This was the aim of Sapphire Project. It started way before this AI and large ML models became trending.But still not in a usable condition as i'm aware of.
Another related project is Dicio. App is still in its early stages, but usable for basic tasks.