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That's fun! It's silly, but I do enjoy thinking about what my favorite thing in xyz category is and jotting them down, from time to time.
Would be cool if this included some pre-populated sample lists out of the box. Love that the import option is readily available though.
Also, mild inconcevenice - after I view a list, rank some things, maybe repeat a few times, pressing back takes me from list, to rank, etc, when I want it to go back to all lists page. If that makes sense.
Thanks for updating it! Newer version is all around much better.
Only nitpicky wishlist item I have left is for an undo button on the match screen. (Though it's not really needed since you can reset an item's stats.)
Another thing you can do now (probably even better than clearing stats), is go to that item, and force-train it a bunch more. The rating algorithm in use is the same one they use for chess matches, so it can handle a "loss" or a "misclick" by doing more matches eventually beating the old one.