Von der Leyen gets 2nd term despite privacy invasions and corruption allegations
Hey everyone,
Von der Leyen just secured a second term as EC President, and I'm beyond frustrated. Let's break this down:
Privacy nightmare:
Pushing for Chat Control: Goodbye, digital privacy! This move threatens to undermine end-to-
end encryption, making our private conversations vulnerable.
eID System: This essentially paves the way for mass surveillance,
linking our digital identity to nearly every online activity.
Data Retention Revival: Trying to bring back data retention ignores the EU Court of Justice's
stance on its incompatibility with fundamental rights.
Europol's Mass Data Collection: Europol gets a free pass to collect massive amounts of data
without sufficient oversight. This is a dangerous precedent.
AI Act and Biometric Surveillance: Supporting biometric mass surveillance within the framework of AI regulation is a direct path to an Orwellian society.
Corruption allegations:
Shady Pfizer Vaccine Deal: A €35 billion deal with Pfizer, shrouded in secrecy. Why are we not
demanding transparency here?
Refusing to Disclose Texts with Pfizer CEO: Transparency shouldn't be optional, especially in
public health matters.
EU Courts vs. Von der Leyen: EU courts have called her out for breaking the law. Why is this not a
bigger deal?
Piepergate: The controversy surrounding the EU Envoy is troubling and raises questions about
integrity and accountability.
We deserve a leader who champions our rights as non-negotiable and upholds transparency as a fundamental duty, not one who treats our freedoms as expendable and accountability as an inconvenience.
What are your thoughts on this?
What will another five years of Von der Leyen bring us?