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Shoutout to the physicists dismissing biologist experiment design as a whole instead of across sexual or gendered lines.
My mom is a biologist and complains how physicists always come into biology, try to reinvent everything without looking at any prior work, and then fail to execute their (sometimes interesting, sometimes not) method
I don't really understand how that one was a problem if they're also a physicist, or even if they're a biologist. Nothing wrong with some fun rivalry.
There's always rivalry between physicist and biologists. Or chemists and biologists. Or biologists and biologists. Damn biologists, they ruined biology!
When I was at college us physicists would joke about the biologists and the chemists and the mathematicians and the engineers, and in turn they'd joke about us, and we'd all have a good laugh over it.
I suppose it would come down to the context and how it was said.