Lemmy.ml is supposedly blocked in China
Lemmy.ml is supposedly blocked in China
#mastodonsocial and #lemmyml are both blocked however
Funny if true.
Lemmy.ml is supposedly blocked in China
#mastodonsocial and #lemmyml are both blocked however
Funny if true.
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Why would State Capitalists allow discussions about actual communism? God forbid he people get it into their head to form trade unions..
I can't quite tell if this is a parody, the trade union bit makes it seem sincere, but the self-importance to think that lemmy is too left for China to allow is just amazing.
What is left about China? They literally murdered people for demanding the right to establish trade unions (see Tienamin Square)
see Tienamin Square
I'm looking it up, and I don't see any "Tienanmin Square". Could it be "Tiananmen Square" that you're thinking of? The one protesting government corruption? Where unarmed soldiers were burned alive? Where Christian sickos were trying to get students in the line of fire to create atrocity propaganda? Surely there must be some confusion here!
Yes, one of their demands was the right to establish trade unions.
Were the trade unionists the ones immolating unarmed soldiers and stringing up their corpses?
Seriously if that shit happened in the US, the national guard would call in an A-10 gun run on the crowd
You mean like that time white landowners firebombed Tulsa in response to Black Wall Street's creation and thriving? Or how about the time a PD in Philadelphia did the same thing to the MOVE Black liberation group some sixty or so years later? This shit keeps happening and the settlers think they have any room or moral high ground to talk shit 💀💀💀💀💀
The US is a plutocracy. What's your point?
What type of society do you think would allow you to burn other people to death and string up their corpses? Is it one that you think would be an improvement over modern China?
point is focus your criticisms on your own society that's 1000x worse than even the most exaggerated crimes about China, cracker. Chinese people aren't children and they can handle their own country in their own way, they don't need some forum poster condescending to them and you don't need a warped preoccupation with a country that probably has nothing to do with you
January 6th already happened but no consequences did. The US will only deploy violence if the movement is left of whatever their crazy idea of center is.
aww muffin so sorry you're still seething western color revolution failed
i'm sure Chinese people need patronizing crackers from the west to instruct them on what communism actually is
What? I stand with the Chinese people against their oppressors. Criticism of an oppressive State is not criticism of its victims.
...how often do you interact with Chinese people? Whenever I go back home to Wuhan I don't really see much oppression happening.
almost no one in China feels that their state is an oppressive force, they feel the opposite. The government has more than a 90% approval rating. The overwhelming majority of Chinese people view their society as legitimate and socialist. If you had any interest in democracy at all you'd respect this perspective instead of imposing your own
That's about the level of response I'd expect from a lib to inconvenient facts
Lol you think everyone who criticizes Capitalist governments like the US and China are liberals?
If it walks like a liberal and talks like a liberal, it's a liberal.
She's literally correct; studies from even anti-Chinese partisan sources can't help but find that satisfaction with the government is overwhelming. While you treat anti-imperialist movements like this sitting from your home in the imperial core, you're not a revolutionary or helping anybody build towards anything better, you're an active hindrance. Feel free to imbibe the actual opinions of people in China so you can understand the conditions there and not just your cracker conditioning. It's not perfect, but overthrow would be far; far worse.
(this is unrelated but I've only been going by she for a little while and it felt kinda nice to be called she like that, thank you.)
What? I stand with the Chinese people against their oppressors. Criticism of an oppressive State is not criticism of its victims.
Said the anglo, eagerly parroting his three-letter-agency masters with his hands on his pearls and a breathless huff to his diction. I have never seen such eager catamites for fuckin genociders in my life; is this what living in Weimar Germany was like?
To be fair, .ml bans you pretty quickly for discussing anything outside of a pretty narrow stripe of Marxist Leninist orthodoxy as well.
I don't consider myself a Marxist, Leninist, or communist of any stripe and haven't had a problem so far. I'm far enough left that I refuse to call myself a liberal, but I suspect the folks who consider themselves Marxists probably think I'm too far right to self-identify as a leftist. (Although I do.)
Shitload of downvotes a time or two, but that's about it. I just wanted to be on a Lemmy instance that was honoring the fedipact, and preferred it to have an instance ethos to the left of mine rather than to the right of it.
I like it here.
Hats off, from a Marxist.
You believe in "russian disinformation assets", like hell you are lmfao. Y'know what, let's go for a walk.
Russia may try, but it’ll never erase Ukraine nor the fact Ukraine made Russia.
No, they’re not. Populism as a whole is a horrible political strategy which benefits only a few members of the political class.
Because it takes away the puppet Russia has been building and nurturing this whole time.
There’s an easy way to end this war: either kill Putin or have Putin resign.
If by “core” you mean “civilized world”, yes.
Your words; not mine. You are no Marxist. You are a western chauvinist, a genocidal settler, and so terminally, neoliberally treat-brained that I expect you to keel over after you've been fed chocolate.
What a trail of receipts, my boi. There's at least one of you every season.
Honest question from a non-communist, based on your reply here. Does one need to support Putin to be a Marxist?
In a word, no. In a few more words, support for Russia (not Putin, as historical materialists don’t subscribe to great man theory) is only a partial, temporary, tactical one, in the context of imperialist liberation. Russia is still a capitalist state, though, so it’s a two stage strategy: first liberate colonized bourgeois states from colonizer states, and second revolution within those liberated bourgeois states.
Russia is an interesting case: it has already liberated itself from the post-Soviet “shock therapy” neocolonizers. This occurred during Putin’s administration, which is why he is especially hated by the US. So now the support for Russia is in the context of keeping the colonizers from recolonizing it, and supporting Russia to the extent that it helps other states liberate themselves. But Russia isn’t trying to “liberate” Ukraine, at least not all of Ukraine. It’s trying to resolve the genocidal attacks on the people of the Donbas, and it’s trying to resolve the imperialist military expansion at its border.
Thank you! I didn't read your links, but I will.
Hardly; I've never known actual communists who uncritically supported that man. It's always critical support, at best-- which is to say, he may do some things correct, but he's still an absolute affront to what came before, and honestly a problem Amerika themselves created. Advocating for wanting to kill a man in the midst of denazifying a NATO-backed neighbor, out of self-defense from NATO encirclement though; that's beyond the pale, as is everything else I've found regarding that member's carriage.
Fair enough. I don't believe this is what is happening ("denazifying a NATO-backed neighbor") and haven't seen a source suggesting it is that doesn't itself look like propaganda, but I'm also OK agreeing to disagree on that. I asked only because without further context it seemed like not supporting Putin was a big component of your comment.
I understand your position now, even if we disagree on Putin also.
Yeah no, my support of Putin is critical at best, and only because Ukraine is the last piece of the puzzle NATO needs to assemble to have Russia at checkmate gunpoint. Allowing the Five-Eyed Empire to genocide more innocent civilians is not how we solve the Putin problem.
Our problem here is, we have a guy here who stands against the voice of the people, decrying populism as "a horrible idea" like all our favorite Amerikan neoliberals; replaces "the imperial core" with 'the civilized world' in casual parlance, indicating a virulent and toxic western chauvinism at best and outright white supremacy at worst; an uncritical gamer too, so I'm erring more toward the latter than the former, I could go on til Nimrod's release day honestly.
You don't need to support Putin to be a Marxist, him and Russia are deserving of a lot of criticism, but it's maybe a little suspicious if someone sees everything happening geopolitically right now and consistently chooses to focus their anger towards Russia.
To be honest when I read Supavillain's quotes my first reaction was also 'So they don't like Russia, who cares?", Ukrainian national identify exists, if Russia annexed western Ukraine they wouldn't be able to erase it. Non-principled populist politicians do always suck. And Russia would've loved (I assume this is about) Donetsk PR to have been their puppet.
But then those last two quotes are pretty bad. Killing Putin or even having Putin do a 180 wouldn't change anything. He'd just be replaced. And the poor countries are no less civilised.
But then those last two quotes are pretty bad. Killing Putin or even having Putin do a 180 wouldn’t change anything.
Assassination is never something I advocate, but there are a few world leaders who I would not complain about if natural causes could catch up to them sometime soon.
Thanks for the additional info and feedback. 🙂
This is just a meme everyone repeats until they believe it.
So you are saying that you ban anyone that wants a intelligent conversation and mildly disagrees with you?
Fortunately logic and reality are not really things that dictatorships really all that interested in. So I guess carry on.
It's debatelord behavior. Performance of colonizer norms mores (got the term wrong) for the adulation of rest of the genocidal settler masses at the expense of every subject-of-empire whose neck bears that invader's bootprint.
This is a safe space for colonizers and colonized alike
I can just look at the modlog and tell that conversations about oppression are only allowed in one direction
Meh, I'm not the one aggressively trying to shut down any conversation which doesn't go hard enough on ML fan service. I actually came to .ml at first hoping to find a more academically oriented leftist community which was willing to engage with topics other than "let's relitigate the cold war."
You are obviously free to dismiss any criticism of this community as "NATO chauvinist propaganda" or whatever, just as im free to roll my eyes and say that the world deserves a better class of socialist.
just as im free to roll my eyes and say that the world deserves a better class of socialist.
Pfft, like you?
Mmmh, delicious; forum snitch knishes
just as im free to roll my eyes and say that the world deserves a better class of socialist.
Eventually I left because their list of blocked instances got too long for my taste.
Ah I didn't know about this - how can I see that list?
Click on the Blocked Instances tab: https://lemmy.ml/instances
A lot of the blocks are due to spam attacks from instances that have (or had) open registration.