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Florida law banning Chinese land ownership gets successfully appealed

A federal appeals court blocked a racist Florida law that restricts Chinese citizens from buying land from being enforced against the two people who sued the state. The court did not, however, block the law entirely; it's still in effect for everyone else. One of the judges, Nancy Abudu, agreed that this was a blatant violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, and the ACLU of Florida intends to continue fighting to prevent this law from being enforced more broadly.

This fight isn't over, but this decision certainly acknowledges the discriminatory nature of this law and is a big win.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)

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  • Yeah, sorry, but NOBODY should be able to buy US land except US citizens. Period. Same goes for any country. How many apartment complexes here are owned by India? They drive up the prices of units so we can no longer afford a place to live. How many farms are owned by Saudis? They abuse our environmental and water usage laws and regulations, destroying our environment and using up our water. I don't care if people come here illegally or seek asylum; it's not about that. They're just trying to survive. I'm talking about how there are bad actors that abuse our systems to fuck up our country. And if you don't see it, you're not paying attention.