Texas Gov. Spent $221 Million on Migrant Busing 'Political Stunt'
Texas Gov. Spent $221 Million on Migrant Busing 'Political Stunt'

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott spent over $221 million to bus nearly 120,000 migrants to Democrat-led cities.

Texas Gov. Spent $221 Million on Migrant Busing 'Political Stunt'
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott spent over $221 million to bus nearly 120,000 migrants to Democrat-led cities.
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Surely we gotta admit it's a good plan politically and fair logisticly? Why wouldn't non-boarder states take a fair share of immigrants?
Edit - plenty of downvotes but no answer to the question, why wouldn't they?
The problem is many times they would not tell the immigrants nor the destination city that they were doing it... making life even harder on these human beings for no other reason than to score political points. Should have worked with all cities from the beginning to do what is best for them. They are treated as sub human by Republicans.
Yes they should but that's largely down to Democrats, if they wanted to have a dialog and offer to pay to have their busses collect them then I doubt the republican senators could refuse from a political standpoint
Where are the plans to make a fair ayatem? Where are the calls to organize peoper transport? All I see is democrats calling it immoral and saying they should stop.
The Republicans won't tell anyone before they start bussing. They do not want humaine treatment as that won't assuage their hatred of immigrants. They want the immigrants to suffer and dems to be pissed off. They do not want things done properly and efficiently.
So if they did organize good transportation and alerted the cities you would support the move?
Of course. It should have been done for decades. Mostly adult working age people looking for work when most countries are struggling for labor. The best investment the united state could make is in is own citizens and new citizens imho. Educate and invest in them asap.
It's about delivery. What they're doing is lying to people, and then dumping them randomly in downtowns or in places unprepared to provide services. Not to mention, the cost of this political theater is significantly more than just... You know, helping them directly.
If this was done with actual humanitarian goals and compassion, states can coordinate and actually help people.
That's always the case. Like how it's more expensive to police homelessness than home them.
Help them how? You think some Texas town can fix an immigrants life and process them for less than $1800 per head?
The sanctuary cities have resources and infrastructure which texas biarder towns do not, splitting the large numbers of immigrants between them makes sense if those people are going to be living in the community until they're processed. The prior method of keeping them in cages fed on gruel and afforded no humanity is rightfully ruled out so what other option is there?
I agree that it should be better organized, maybe the receiving states should have an open and balanced dialog where they agree to pay for and organize transport themselves to ensure the people are treated with dignity and everything is organized for their arrival.
So you think $1800 per migrant for a bus ride is an efficient and fair use of taxpayer dollars? You think dumping them in six specific Democrat-led cities is a fair distribution? You think migrants looking for a better life are a burden to be shared and not an economic and cultural benefit?
Six cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities? Surely those are the best places, they actively advertise migrants are welcome.
And you say dumping them but then say they're an economic and cultural benefit, surely if you believe that you think its great thes six democrat cities benefit?
As for the cost, maybe those cities could send their own busses to collect them instead? Would be a strong move politically plus they could be better prepared for their arrival. But yes that's not a huge amount of money for the logistics of moving people, cheaper than housing them all and paying all the other costs in the boarder towns they come from, cities have far more resources and better infrastructure. Though of course it wouldn't be popular for the local politician because as we've seen the sanctuary cities get upset when faced with the reality of large numbers of immigrants.
they actively advertise migrants are welcome.
They actually don’t. Denver tells them they don’t have the resources to help them and pays to have them bussed elsewhere (of their choice, instead of tricking them and lying to them like Texass does.)
Well yeah they declared themselves a sanctuary city for political points, they didn't want to deal with reality.
You're a complete waste of oxygen.
Fantastic argument debunking and refuting all my points!
It makes you mad because you don't want to face reality you just want your team to win so that you feel good, it's kinda pathetic tbh
Is 2000$ per person for a bus ride a good deal in the first place? Might want to check who they paid for the services.
It's also including the cost of admin and additional services, but yes immigrants cost the nation a lot of money - you think this is expensive wait until you see how much it costs to house them and all that stuff...
This is why boarder states are doing it, it is cheaper for them to spend one time 2000 than all the other costs that would be incurred
Oh I don't mind paying taxes to support immigrants. We all needed it at some time.
Besides can you list those administrative costs? They didnt get much for their two grand either way. Its throwing away money. Could have spent the money helping people instead of treating them like cattle.