Mom didn't go to school
Mom didn't go to school
Mom didn't go to school
This is what you said after I tried to tell you who Sally Hemmings was:
What the fuck can I do about long dead guy and his long dead mistress? Shit’s over with. Focus on today.
So it sure sounds like you're saying history isn't important. Living in the now when you don't know the history is how past mistakes are repeated.
Well gee, now I know not to keep a slave in my basement.
Is that really all you think there is to learn?
Am I supposed to just not do what the victors are insisting are mistakes, or do you think they're telling it their way to maintain control over me?
It's interesting that you didn't mention things like consent or even the thing I mentioned myself- the deification of the founders.
Sounds like you do have things to learn.
I don't deify them. I don't give a shit. What's consent got to do with anything? I don't particularly consent to having someone story imposed on my mind. If you'll excuse me, I've got today work to do.
Sorry... you're asking what consent has to do with a slave mistress? You definitely have things to learn.
I'm asking why you think we need to talk about that. I don't need to learn a specific person's story to know consent is important ya fucking twat. Now you're the one dodging questions.
Now that you've resorted to silly insults, we're done here.
LMAO!! You've been trying to paint me as a racist this whole fuckin time for being disinterested in school indoctrination and I'm making silly insults. That's where the line is drawn!