Has to be those frozen wind turbines and solar panels...
Has to be those frozen wind turbines and solar panels...
Source - The colors of the grids represent CO2 emissions
The title is a reference to the 2021 Texas power crisis
Has to be those frozen wind turbines and solar panels...
Source - The colors of the grids represent CO2 emissions
The title is a reference to the 2021 Texas power crisis
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it's insane that so many flyover states are competing (and winning) against fucking California
edit: by winning, i meant having more carbon emissions, not doing better. dumb wording.
People underestimate just how massive California is. There are a lot of people across a large span of land that require electricity. I imagine the map would look very different if it was scaled by population.
my wording has failed me immensely. i would at least expect people to look at the map and realize what I'm actually trying to say but here we are. that is my point. California has like the population of all these states combined yet all of them are producing more carbon emissions. when i said "winning" i meant in amount of carbon emissions, meaning doing worse.
Are we looking at the same map? Looks like California is far less emissions heavy than the flyover states. High proportions of solar panel energy, too.
They are winning in producing emissions
that's what I meant. bad wording.
California has huge tracts of land that get sunshine like 365 days per year.
so Nevada doesn't get much sunshine?
Nevada spent all their sunshine on hookers and blow.
Makes sense when you realize 12% of Americans live in CA, vs somewhere like WY where 0.17% of Americans live.
what i meant was there producing more carbon emissions. you would expect more populous areas to produce more carbon emissions