Is BT over Tor still not recommened?
Is BT over Tor still not recommened?

An increasing number of people are asking us about the recent paper coming out of Inria in...

It's been 13 yesrs after this blog was written. Does the claim still holds true?
Is BT over Tor still not recommened?
An increasing number of people are asking us about the recent paper coming out of Inria in...
It's been 13 yesrs after this blog was written. Does the claim still holds true?
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Yes. It is better to use i2p for bittorrent. Now qbittorrent it is compatible.
Would you say this is better than using a VPN or just as good?
Better, because it is free and secure. And at same time you are torrenting, you are helping the network. But a downside, it is the speed and amount of peers you find is less compared to the clearnet. Also it is not the best option to surf the clearnet, tor is better at this.
Thanks. I was hoping 13 years will bring some improvements but sadly seems like not.
Tor is not meant for torrenting, so improvements to torrenting on Tor will never be made.
I don't understand what the down votes are for. Disagreement? What's wrong in hoping for improvements in a 13 years gap? I understand and agree that BT over Tor is bad, but two doesn't conflict.
hoping for improvements
There have been improvements, just on the fronts you haven't been looking for. Also, if I am correct, torrenting over Tor would be painfully slow compared to normally doing it or via a VPN. It is not worth the hassle.
The way it was worded might be seen as improvements to torrenting on Tor instead of improvements to i2p.
I think they meant the former, but if there were downvotes that's still weird