PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery
PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery
Clown emojis all around
PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery
Clown emojis all around
Reminds me of that Australian law that was proposed to make anything with a relation to casino games Restricted 18 but merely mature for exploitative slot machine loot box mechanics.
I haven't seen Loot Boxes in a game in awhile, I kinda prefer those to FOMO...
I think the perfect system is you earn Loot Boxes by playing that can contain anything, but you can buy the specific things you want at any time, the boxes themselves are unlocked through gameplay.
Heroes of the Storm did this, and god I miss that game.
I wish DBD did it
HOTS 2.0 did so much good, man. It's a shame the game's basically dead. Was a lot of fun to play with my brother
I realised that what brought me back to League was Wild Rift. Maybe of HOTS had a "mobile" adaptation, I'd come back. Just not much (if at all) a PC gamer nowadays
There were rumors Microsoft were going to revive it, which lead to people playing the game, which lead to it getting balance patches again... but no new content drops sadly
Any form of taking money inside a video game is the same abuse. Lootboxes per-se only disappeared once people admitted they were barely-disguised gambling. All that changed is the disguise.
And everyone scoffing 'no no no, lootboxes were different, whatever's happening now is fiiine' have the same damn arguments as people who told me lootboxes were 'fiiine' twenty goddang years ago.
Do you think these constant updates that games are basically required to have nowadays are free? Someone's gotta pay for cosmetics to bankroll the development of patches and content drops.
They're only "required" because this abuse relies on addiction. You have to keep playing the same game, forever, so it can keep raking you across its wallet-hooks.
When games are sold - you get what's in it. The whole game, all at once! We only expect patches to fix the ways the product was broken. That takes a slim fraction of the people involved and gets budgeted ahead-of-time like marketing. Some games do add stuff later, but only to encourage more sales of the whole-ass game.
Sounds about right. I'd seen "slot machines" (we call em poker machines or "the pokies") more times than I can remember before I was 18.
"the pokies"
You ever Google that?
No, why?