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Use Lemmy, y'all!
Nooo not like that!
I mean isn't that true for literally every user that doesn't pay? I'm not sure why we are mad at Sync users when we don't even have a strong call to action to donate to instances.
"use my instance please"
"No not like that!"
Holy fuck this is what we left Reddit to avoid...
Lemmy had a garbage web UI. And the other apps I have used are not nearly as smooth as sync.
You think Sync users don't also donate? I paid for sync and donated to Lemmy's development. Considering donating to my 2 main instances as well.
That's literally Reddit's argument against third party apps, the reason a good chunk of Lemmy users left reddit is they disagree with that approach...
Well the Lemmy web UI is not able to do most of the things third party apps could do.
Maybe Lemmy instances should bill third party apps for API calls, hmmm?
But it's fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don't understand all the sync hate.
My lemmy server is selfhosted (, and the running costs are pretty negligible after initial costs.
We get plenty of donations honestly, but that is obviously not universal.
Even a group of saints will find someone in their midst deserving of rebuke.
How much has liftoff, jeroba, connect, etc paid?
Jeroba is the official app...
Ok so they've paid just as much is what you're saying
We pay.
You assume.
It's junior level reasoning.
I just said we pay. You seem to think I'm talking about Sync.
I'm not. Technically, I guess I could be talking about both server and sync.
What I've seen on Lemmy is I can say I paid for Sync and donate to the server and someone will need to come along to tell me all of that money should go to Lemmy.
That's too either/or. And it's making Lemmy look... incapable of nuanced thought. Or entitled.
It's not everyone, but it's common enough it looks really odd.