The concept really is bullshit, and that's coming from a German. For certain kinds of triple digit numbers people sometimes resort to saying the single digits in a row ("drei fünf neun" instead of dreiundertneunundfünfzig). Less misunderstandings, and faster.
I've been learning German and I call it the surprise ending language because everything is like that. In complex phrases, you often leave the primary verb until the very last word. So you might get something like:
I'd like to, with your daughter and a duck, this coming weekend, at the park, if it's not raining, with our bicycles, go for a ride.
wut? that's language. Date order is American. There's no such thing as English complex or simple or whatever for date orders. But there is British, if that helps you at all.
On things which have both British English and American English denoted by flag and name American English is often put as "English(simplified)" and British English as just "English".
The order of dates has direct interplay with language syntax. January first, 1970 vs the first of January, 1970. It's characteristic of the dialect of English and its spoken syntax, not just how dates are written.
I’ve always rationalized it as n + a set, so 43 is 3 and the 40 that we’ve added up before it.
But then we do the same thing you do with 100. 100 and 3 and 40. So we list everything from largest to smallest order of magnitude except for the last two digits.
I don’t think I’ve thought much about this since I was like ten years old (with a blip thinking about it in uni, when learning the different ways computers represent numbers). I remember getting tripped up with numbers as a kid when saying them in Arabic specifically because of this.
For another layer of headache keep in mind that we write from right to left but numbers are left to right just like in European languages. Funny.
Since I primarily use English despite being a native German speaker I always get those jumbled up and it bugs me so much. People dictate long numbers in sets of two or three digits, but instead of saying the digits, they say them as numbers. Then it's like "3 & 40" and I write 34 because my brain goes "first number, first digit" until I notice that I made this error again and have to correct it. It takes way more mental effort than it should and it annoys me that so many people say these as numbers instead of as actual sets of digits, which wouldn't be a problem in most other languages, but nooooo of course we need to add a good ol' switcheroo right at the end there
Yes, I had to learn that too. It's weirder for sure, but not in the context of this specific graph since '4 - 20 - [0-19]' (80-99) still forms a neat cluster based on the first few letters.
I agree with the ridiculous. My kids were taught in primary school to write 123 as 1, 3 (with a blank after the 1) and the 2 (inside the blank). To this day I do not know if that is brilliant or stupid.
Also, we Germans do like our rules. If it works for 13-19, why change it 😎?
Up until not that long ago, this was the "correct" way of counting in Norwegian as well. Ein und zwanzig -> En og tjue. But tjue-en became more and more common, and nobody really cared that hard, so now this is more common. It's still a bit of a mix of both depending who you talk to. Some, me included, use both.
Well wouldn't you know it but this system got imposed on Slovenian through the Austrian states that ruled the lands through time. So now I think German and Slovenian are the 2 european languages that do this (disregarding all the other comments about norwegian, dutch and so on doing it both ways).
Large numbers are alway broken up into blocks of 3, pronounced like the initial numbers from 0 to 999 + the name of the long scale number (thousand, million, etc.).
Short scale, in english goes like this this: Thousand (3 zeros), Million (6), Billion (9), Trillion (12)...
Long scale, as used in german, goes like this: Tausend (3), Millionen (6), Milliarden (9), Billionen (12), Billiarden (15), Trillionen (18)...
Long scale kind of makes more sense since starting with Million the names just count upwards. Million, Bi-llion (2), Tri-llion (3), etc. But since you still start with Thousand in short scale, Billion is the 3rd, Trillion the 4th and so on. If you want to figure out Octodeci-llion (18), the formula to get the amount of zeroes in short scale is '18 * 3 +3' and in long scale '18 * 6'. Also keeps the names pronouncable for longer than short scale. However, it does make translating the names of large numbers between both languages a nightmare.