It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
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more like when we still believe a burgeois state will put good politicians in power.
Ahh, never change.
Ahhh America, you won’t ever change.
America will change, it's a declining Imperialist state and wealth disparity is skyrocketing.
I’ll give you that. I meant change in a positive light, but that’s hardly ever the case these days.
I meant a positive light too, actually. Eventually there will be a point where the bread runs low and the circuses go empty, and the Empire will go the way of Rome. It's unlikely it will go the way of Britain.
Maybe we view ‘positive’ in different ways lmao. I wouldn’t necessarily consider riots and violent uprising (what happens when the bread runs out and the circus is empty) positive. Their outcomes though? Those can be.
Yes, I am referring to the outcomes, so we can put this nightmare behind us.
Perhaps instead of mocking America, you guys should've spent more time making sure politicians like American conservatives didn't get elected
American conservatives can't be voted out by voting extra hard, each vote is a vote and there are limits on canvassing and trying to bring over conservatives. America is declining, there is constant fearmingering about immigrants, and people long for "the good old days" while very little progressive movement happens. These conditions are ripe for fascism to take hold, horrifyingly enough.
Even if that's all true, we owe it to our forebears to still try. And I don't mean literal ancestors, but the American left throughout history. They fought against slavery, for equal civil rights, for the right to vote, and for the dignity to be seen as a full person. Workers rights advocates fought to give us safer working conditions and better work life balance. And all of these people were beaten and some even killed in the process.
Things don't look great right now, but I don't know if things have ever looked good in the US. It's always been pretty terrible in some regard if you weren't a rich white straight man.
Maybe the struggle will be futile in the end. But I don't want to give up, because the people before us didn't give up, and honestly faced harder odds.
They dont fight any more. They've been conditioned to think that violence is barbaric and we just need to meet Nazis in the "marketplace" and "win them over with better ideas".
I’m did my part! o7
The rest of America enjoys the fascism.
agreed. its nice here.
but also some variety can't hurt either.