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Stores like CVS are now making employees paid $7.25 an hour wear police body cams to stop someone from stealing a $2 tube of toothpaste.

What's next, deputizing retail workers?


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  • Every retail worker is going to have a bodycam before the pigs do. And of course it will just be used to micromanage and surpress workers even more than they already are. Take 5 seconds to chat with a co-worker? That's a write up. "Forget" to charge a nice customer for a small item? That's a write up. Exceed your generous 90 second bathroom break? That's a write up!

    It's already bad enough that almost every square inch of my workplace is covered by cameras (always used to police workers, I've never seen them used to ban shitty customers or otherwise benefit the employees) but at least there are a couple of blindspots if you want to take a minute. I'd like to think I wouldn't put up with bodycams but I also need money soooo....

    Also I hate that I'm constantly being recorded every second of the day. It seems every move anyone makes is being recorded and monitored for the benefit of Mammon. Privacy is a dead concept, sacrificed for all by the few that benefit.

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