Evolution sucks
Evolution sucks
Evolution sucks
Horses were tiny back then
Okay but why is the first one on the right?
Well, it's in sequence from the current one to the previous ones. We traced backwards through time.
wait they were so cute
Miniature horses are a thing today
Miss you with the greatest passion
Why the troll face at the bottom
Then there's the recent wussification of horses, from wild western horses that'd charge around carrying gun toting hoodlums of all sorts, to the present day where they clop slowly along the road where you have to pass wide and slow on the offchance that you'll totally freak them out.
Even military horses aren't much better. A pile of bricks fell over in London a few weeks ago and a bunch of guards' horses threw their riders and galloped across the city in blind panic. I bet the ones that carry those dual timps are taking the right piss out of them back at the stables.
Who tf came up with those names?
Greek speakers, mostly
Equus is latin but the rest are greek from what I can tell