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Friendly reminder...Yes, I know it sucks, but, not voting for Biden = fascism.
DO NOT LET Trump win!
Using police to beat and arrest peaceful protestors while on tv calling them violent extremists already is fascism.
I am for 3rd party, I was voting for duopoly in the past though, Bernie Sanders era and all that...
Winning or taking a loss, duopoly still fcks the working class.
Sorry to say but fascism has been here for a while, let us continue to pay closer attention to what goes around in our communities!
I hope you one day come to a different conclusion than just keeping people in the duopoly.
Let us continue to talk to people we do not agree with or think like, we can all learn fro them and teach them!
Thank you for sharing your views though!
Point is....ANY non-Biden vote or zero vote is a risk to electing Trump.
Your 3rd party vote is absolutely the same as voting for Trump. Sorry if you don't understand that.
It has been 8 years and the Democrats still haven't produced any sort of appealing messaging other than "at least we're not trump". "Slightly better than the other guy" shouldn't be something to build an election campaign around.
I'm definitely not happy about the options. However, Trump is absolutely the worst thing ever for this country.
He's definitely worse than Biden. That's for sure.
Yes. Unfortunately that's all that counts in the current shit show of U.S. politics.
Why are you trying to convince me to vote for Trump...
Or at least that is how I am seeing it...
I do understand that in the US we can vote for anyone and be proud, while also sitting out of the election, can be seen as a proud act as well!
I hope this view has helped you understand that many do not see Trump/Biden the same way you do!
We must contiue to question and be highly critical of those in power, especially those in gov't that have much money/influence!
Jesse what the fuck are you on about
I guess you can be proud of something others see as shameful.
To break free from the 2 party system, we need to improve our election systems to allow for it, and to do that we need political advocacy and action. Ranked Choice Voting at least.