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Hating any music is weird, as hate takes vastly more effort than indifference.
Hating specifically anything of comparable acclaim as the Beatles is, frankly, just contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism.
If you didn't like them you just wouldn't like them, but what you actually like is not liking them as a factor of your personality.
It's possible to hate something without being active about it. Saying "I hate lima beans" doesn't necessarily mean you're going on a hate campaign against lima beans, it just means you have a strong distaste for them. It's a valid feeling regardless of how many others love lima beans. In fact, lots of other people loving something and talking about it nonstop and calling it the best thing ever will obviously mean someone who hates that thing will get annoyed hearing about something they hate, so it's fine to express that distaste.
My guy, are we just going to entirely ignore the context of this literally being a comment in a "look at me I'm so different for not liking the Beatles" post? Yeah, what you're saying may be true, but we're talking about somebody who literally is making a campaign out of their disdain. Context and nuance people, Jesus Christ.
How is that any worse than making a post saying "I love the Beatles"? In fact, the post is getting proven correct where a simple singular post attracts so many responses.
How is that any worse than making a post saying “I love the Beatles”?
Yes, I agree. As I said here 10 hours ago:
The point is hatred is its own kind of fandom, as both camps center around the thing.
My point is that they are the same thing, and thus methinks the lady doth protest too much.
The Beatles are so ubiquitous and generally acclaimed though, you don't really have to go out of your way to encounter their music or artifice of their cultural legacy. If people always want to argue with you about it, or are obstinate when you would like to listen to something else? Then I can see pretty easily how someone's distaste for them could grow over time until they would describe it as hate.
I dunno, if every time I hear a band it feels like nails on a chalkboard to my very soul, I think saying I hate them is perfectly valid without requiring any actual effort beyond trying to get that music to stop while I can hear them and wanting to discontinue conversation about them
Hate doesn't have to be any more active than avoidance
Indifference, on the other hand, implies not caring that the music is playing
Did you just suggest that anyone who claims to dislike the Beatles is lying just to be difficult? Believe it or not it is actually possible to dislike things, even critically acclaimed popular things, beyond the point of indifference. Honestly your statement is what sounds like pure contrarianism meant to stir up drama lol
No, I'm claiming hating the Beatles is a choice. Hate is active. People who dislike things don't waste their time thinking about how much they dislike them and telling people proudly how much they dislike them, they just move on.
In fact, I'm pretty luke-warm on the Beatles as a whole (though I can certainly appreciate their songwriting and understand their massive popularity). The point is hatred is its own kind of fandom, as both camps center around the thing. I don't bring up the Beatles because I don't have many opinions on them; that's vastly more passive than this person proudly declaring their dislike for Popular Thing™
Doing literally anything besides just existing and breathing the air each day is "a choice". That doesn't mean people only do things just to annoy you...
disliking =/= hating
i dislike most rap music, which means i don't actively look for that genre of music to listen to it, but i won't burst into flames if a friend of mine puts some rap in the queue at the party, and i won't complain about it (unless they've been hogging the queue with non stop 3h of rap, then i will complain)
i hate dishonesty and manipulation, if i spot it i'll instantly feel a surge of intense negative emotions and a strong repulsion to whoever was dishonest or manipulative (relative to the offence of course, lying about eating the snack i was saving vs lying about idk being faithful don't prompt the same reaction)
i don't think you can really hate any genre of music or particular band, as the other person said, proclaiming yourself a "hater" of a popular genre or group is just contrarianism for contrarianism's sake, 5 years down the line it'll stop being cool to hate on that music and that's when you stop "hating" them
Hating any music is weird, as hate takes vastly more effort than indifference.
As someone who lived with asshole neighbors who loved to make parties with loud music that would go from 4pm to 3am, sometimes during the fucking week, sometimes putting the extra loud music for no other reason than because they want to, other times just to go over the other's music, hating certain types of music isn't weird and doesn't require effort. In no time, those music types become deeply associated with the worst type of annoying assholes