is cloud strife stealing valor
is cloud strife stealing valor
is cloud strife stealing valor
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Does Cloud park in the reserved for veterans parking space?
Cid held on to the handicapped parking pass after Cloud's time in the wheelchair so he parks the Highwind wherever he wants. It's ethically questionable but there doesn't seem to be a lot of other airship traffic or competition for parking spaces so it's a moot point
I somehow Mandela Effected myself into thinking that the car from FF8 was in FF7 for a hot second lol
In the original at the end of disc 1 you have the stolen Shinra pickup truck minigame after you escape the Shinra building, before the boss on the highway. Then you have the goofy red buggy for a relatively short time on the world map which you forget about as soon as you get your hands on the tiny bronco.
At least that buggy doesn't have a fuel requirement. Idk who designed the economy in FF8 around hiring a car and needing to pay huge sums to run the damn thing and I'm conflicted about it because as game design it was pretty poor but as anti-car, pro-rail supremacy agitprop it's pretty great.
Then you have the goofy red buggy for a relatively short time on the world map which you forget about as soon as you get your hands on the tiny bronco.
Damn, I totally forgot about that thing
as anti-car, pro-rail supremacy agitprop it's pretty great.
Plus, the Forest Owls have a train base.
FF8 made you pay for your train tickets too, but it also paid you a salary based on how long you played the game which you could increase by taking tests at the academy. I feel like they were trying to give an impression of a modern economy but the idea was only half-baked.
If it was cheap and reliable then people would be like "Why isn't there roads and cars fuggin' everywhere in this gameworld". Making it prohibitively expensive and a pain in the ass helps you believe why the human settlements aren't as interconnected as they would be in a futuristic fantasy world like that I guess
i can't imagine shinra vets get any benefits, and also cloud is a veteran so if he did that's still not stolen valor. the real tricky part of this is the claim of being a soldier first class, which wasn't true but he DID kinda fuse with one and also he very much killed sephiroth that one time
Probably different answers for different "versions" of Cloud, too: Disc 1 Merc Cloud, After the 💔🤺 Cloud, Wheelchair Cloud, End of the Game "Let's Mosey" Cloud