...Didn't you also kill someone tho?
...Didn't you also kill someone tho?
...Didn't you also kill someone tho?
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I'm pretty sure she was hit into another car so she was never at fault in that accident. Not even reckless driving. A bit different than predisposed 1st degree double murder.
Wasn't she drunk
Naw. She was cleared at the scene and never charged w anything. I looked it up and was a bit wrong. She rear ended someone who hit their brakes, was not speeding but probably tailgating.
When rich people are “cleared at the scene”, it does not necessarily mean they didn’t do anything wrong. Considering she was held civilly liable, it was probably her fault.
I'm not saying she did nothing wrong but the way the law works she is not criminally responsible for the death. It was a shitty accident and she should have been more careful.
Matthew Broderick killed 2 people in Ireland because he drove on the wrong side of the road but you don't hear him being called a murderer.
My original point is that you really can't compare an accidental vehicular death to a double stabbing homicide.
You probably don't hear about him as much because he isn't as relevant as she is.
Fuck him too though, "I don't remember" shouldn't be a get out of jail free card.
Honestly I hear about them equally as often as people (aka very little)
But yeah idk. I'm not out for blood, its not like putting them in prison specifically would really help anything, but clearly both of these people got off incredibly easy because of their celebrity. Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to drive, or should have faced any consequences at all
I've never heard of this person but he sounds like a murderer to me?
she settled out of court which isn't the same thing as civilly liable
But yeah. She was at fault for the crash, IMO, she literally rear-ended someone just going along with traffic. But that doesn't mean she was completely responsible for the death, as the car swerved into oncoming traffic after getting rear ended, causing the death. It would have been a much more minor accident but for that twist of fate. At worst negligent, especially as she was driving a huge vehicle and towing a trailer behind it, so she should have been extra careful, but not comparable to murder