Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears

Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears

Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
Think it's bad now, wait until they pop him with a criminal conviction.
Then, instead of "24 hours to come up with 1/2 a billion dollars" it's "24 hours until you report to prison..."
Oh I’ve been waiting. It’s been a long-as-hell five minutes.
He'll leave the country
You say like that is a bad thing
It is for Brits, he'll probably come here to hide at one of his shitty golf courses
He'd go to Russia, where he'll fall out a window because his usefulness is gone and he won't have the half a billion to pay back their loans.
Idk... hed be an infinitelt usedul propaganda pawn.
"Look here, we have the former US president whos been treated soo unfairly by the American dictatorship."
And youd still have Dr. Facismo tweeting all his latest brain farts for the 20% of the country that will double down on his glorious eminence no matter what.
We got a little taste of that already with his mugshot.