While not a bad movie, I saw a guy get up and leave after loudly giving an unhinged rant during Detective Pikachu
Reason: A line from the title character about "How can you NOT believe in Climate Change at this point?"
Same genius nearly got his ass beat by a members of a mostly black audience when he complained about Miles Morales being black during a Spider-Man preview in front of Black Panther
Coincidence, it's a pretty small town, like not "Everyone knows everyone" small, but small enough so that the theaters are rarely packed and it's mostly just big cinema fans who go. (All the families getting together to see a super hero with the same skintone as them in his first major movie, Black Panther, was the fullest I had seen it It wasn't even packed that much for End Game)
So he was easy to pick out in the crowd, him having the same loud voice and the same attire both times was easy to pick out.
I think he was there when our theater had a one night only showing of DBS: Broly (Which was funnily enough the only other time I've seen it crowded)