Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears

Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears

Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears
PAC sending funds as we speak. Why just vote for a dumb criminal when you can pay to keep him out of jail?
That's fine. Give all that money to the State of New York instead of buying commercials and helping down-ballot candidates. It's been wrongly declared before but this time might actually be the end of the Republican party as we have known it. Trump should sell popcorn.
Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Even if the recent polls turn around, they are still betting the country on the health of an octogenarian. The only person who can keep this country from descending into totalitarianism is not Joe Biden; it's his cardiologist.
Motherfucker just needs to last 8 months and I'll be good. I mean I'm hopeful he lasts his term and beyond, but 8 months is the minimum.
10 months, to be safe. We certainly don't want him croaking before the election, but if he wins and croaks before the EC votes are counted we'll be in the middle of an unprecedented shitshow. We saw Republicans challenging accepting the certificates for made-up reasons last time. "We can't accept these because the mofo up and died on us" might actually get some traction.
Again, assuming he wins, he needs to last right up to the point where he takes his Oath of Office again. Once he says "So Help Me God", he's off the clock, and can kick off anytime he wants without plunging us all into the abyss. (Although that might end up being our pet name for the Harris Presidency....)
Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Truer words are seldom spoken. It's like they're just controlled opposition paid by many of the same people who pay the Republicans.. 🤔
Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Encouraging voter turnout in swing states helps, here’s an article that summarizes what those states are for 2024, and what issues people are highlighting (based on those who were polled):
I don't know if I can eat anymore popcorn...
Ok, maybe one more bowl.
because Trump will throw the entire RNC under the bus if they don't give him what he wants.