Atlas Shrugged,Cloud Atlas, I think the one with Tom Hanks. Thought it might be an interesting movie because of the title and Tom Hanks, but I could tell within the first five minutes it was nothing but propaganda. I saw a couple other people leaving along with me.
Cloud Atlas did much better as a book than a movie. I am genuinely surprised that they tried to adapt it; it was never gojng to be anything but a confusing mess without the benefit of the long-format of a book to guide you. I'm curious why you considered it propaganda. It had an obvious central theme but that is the case for most cinema. It reads as communalist, which is unusual for most modern cinema which takes its cues from out hyper-individualist culture. Perhaps you see it as propaganda because it is so different from "normal" rugged individualist cinema. Do you consider Batman, The Punisher, Man on Fire, and Taken to be similar propaganda for individualist militant violence-as-solution ideas? Because they are. Aren't American Gangster, Pursuit of Happiness, Wolf of Wallstreet, etc. capitalist propaganda? It's easy to miss propaganda when it is reinforcing beliefs and values that you already have.
Cloud Atlas is the one with Tom Hanks, and I agree it wasn't worth sticking through since i think it was like 3 hours long. I never saw Atlas Shrugged, but I'm guessing it's also pretty heavy on the propaganda considering the source material.
There’s a TV miniseries that’s kind of ok. You have to take any ideology with a grain of salt, they all have at least some flaws. Some more than others….