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Mammals are different than reptiles. A better comparison would be today's reptiles.
Mammals only got yeeted to their own evolutionary tree branch 40 million years prior to those that would be considered reptilian (sorta dinos too) which was somewhere in the realm of 250 million years ago.
Meaninng the reptiles of today are ~5x further apart in time from dinosaurs, than dinosaurs are from their common ancestors to mammals.
I think we really should just not bother thinking in terms of current speciation concepts. They could have had jellyfish like tentacles dangling allover their skin and we'd never know.
Mammals only got yeeted to their own evolutionary tree branch 40 million years prior to those that would be considered reptilian (sorta dinos too) which was somewhere in the realm of 250 million years ago.
As someone who was raised and taught to believe that the earth was only a few thousand years old (by 'that kind' of Christians/churches,) this still blows my mind to read! I've known what I was taught was bullshit for at least around fifteen years, but it's like my little pea brain still just cannot compute it. Wild stuff!!
I grew up with a mix of some who shared that view. Its remarkable the box they place their God in to fit their worldview innit? Lol
A better comparison would be today’s birds, which descended from theropods and are the only remaining members of the clade Dinosauria.
Dinosaurs aren’t reptiles, they’re birds.
All birds are dinosaurs, not all dinosaurs are birds though
A pigeon is not a dinosaur.
That's what the the pigeons want you to think.
All birds are descended from the theropods that survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event
Birds aren't real
And birds and dinos are crocs (unlike most other reptiles)