What bougie venue you been to that uses anything more fancy than a clear solo cup? Every concert I've been to in the last... 5 years at LEAST has been either a plastic bottle with the cap removed, a clear plastic cup, or a liquid death.
At least here in Germany everyone is selling drinks (beer as well as Softdrinks) from the tap in cups with usually 1 or 2 euros as a deposit so people don't throw them to the ground and create a hazard
Often the cups are also branded from the band so I collected a couple over the years
That's... actually pretty cool. It tells me the water itself is actually not the product, it's the can design. They're essentially selling a way of overcoming the very real social anxiety alcoholics can go through when they give up booze, but don't want to give up the social lives they've built around drinking.
I was all ready to hate on this, but if it's actually legitimately helping people stay off alcohol while maintaining a social life, then I can't really fault it.
Neither does being around other people when they drink, but some of us prefer not to close ourselves off to the rest of the world rather than making adjustments to make it easier to have a good time without getting drunk.
Just because some people are absolutists doesn't make you any more drunk from drinking beer with the alcohol content equivalent of a ripe banana (0.5% ABV) or less.
I have plenty of empathy. Maybe don't say that every person's sobriety is unique as a way to invalidate a part of mine.
I understand that some people would consider the taste a trigger that might make them want to drink regular beer. That's how I feel about the smrll of cigarette smoke, even as I'm simultaneously repulsed by it.
For some of us, though, being able to have the pleasant taste without getting drunk makes it easier to stay sober than having no other source for it. It works for me and it works for A LOT of other people too.
Athletic Company is good. People like the Heineken one. I don't drink those, though. I like a nice Hoplark or a nicer sparkling water (like Liquid Death) when I'm at an event where alcohol is prominent.
A lot of the ones I drink are only available in Denmark, but the Dutch Bavaria and the German Perlenbacher make non-alcoholic beers that taste great and (especially in the case of Perlenbacher) are actually cheap too!
Of the more pricey ones, Italian Peroni and Danish Mikkeler also have some delicious non-alcoholic ones.
There's tons of others too, especially if you (unlike me) don't mind a moderately to very hoppy taste.
Those are just off the top of my head 🙂
They should be trying to break that mental association, not reinforcing it by putting water in a stylish "beer" can. But if they're making billions in profits I guess they found the niche they want to exploit and ethics are not a hurdle they care about.
You make significant changes by implementing smaller parts over time. The important bit is they're not drinking alcohol. They can break the association down the line. You should focus more on you and worry less about what others should do :D
My dude, they're trying to combat the peer pressure effect of someone's buddies razzing them over drinking a "frou-frou sissy drink" instead of grabbing a cold beer. I know it's Lemmy, but come the fuck on.
I bought some on sale once because it was cheaper than normal bubble water. I laughed every time I drank one and my wife refused to be seen with them. "Darling, don't you need to murder your thirst?!" It was the best sale purchase I've made at the grocery store in recent memory.
As someone else said, recovering alcoholics, but also they market towards sustainability. Infinitely recyclable aluminum instead of single use bottles and all that. I'm still just gonna drink from the tap most of the time, but I'll pick one up on a road trip or if I'm going on a picnic or something
Technically true, but kinda pointless to bring up here. It's a thin layer that's vaporized during recycling. Not exactly comparable to a plastic bottle containing tens of thousands of times more plastic that's probably gonna sit in a landfill shedding plastic bits for the next 100,000 years.
Unsure why your downvoted, aluminium cans have a plastic liner on the inside. Their "better" than plastic bottles but still contribute to waste plastic.
If I'm going to a party but not planning to drink, I'll always get some nonalcoholic drinks with me. If I can have a cool looking can or bottle, it's better. In general I get very much pleasure from uniquely designed drink containers
They taste more mineral water than seltzer water to me. Much more similar to a Perrier than a LaCroix. To me, at least, this means they taste fine cold, but start to go off pretty quick as it heats up and flattens. So, they have the same problem I have with Perrier, in that they're in larger containers and thus more prone to getting warm before you finish it.