Don't do this shit
Don't do this shit
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While I guess there will be a few Holocaust-denying shitheads even on "our side" (and fuck them, obviously), I want to believe that the high profile ones are fakes created by Zionists, to shit on the pro-Palestine position
As is usual, sometimes it's
but sometimes it's just good old-fashionedWhen somebody's reactionary enough to be fedposting, i still treat them like a reactionary. Fedjacketing people who are nominally on your side is dangerous, it leads to toxicity and paranoia within your community in ways that calling out reactionary takes doesn't. Such actors want you to be suspicious of your own movement, it's in wreckers' interest to normalize accusations of being a fed.
Agreed. They should be shamed, ridiculed, and kicked out of any community they’re apart of. They should be treated as dumbasses and/or reactionaries, and if they splinter and other people in the org join them, then you’ll know who the feds/reactionaries are without having to cause paranoia
It's also worth keeping in mind that chuds love co-opting leftist causes, stripping them of their material foundations and turning them into fash propaganda. Antisemitism has always been a prime example of that, with the historical nazis using it to redirect anticapitalist sentiment and sabotage class consciousness, leading the anger of the workers against Jews from all classes while campaigning on the money of steel barons and selling off expropriated Jewish banks to their party donors at bargain prices.
It's no surprise that at least some right wingers try to instrumentalize present-day solidarity with the Palestinian people in this way, even though most of them nowadays are zionists of the "i like ethno states, hate Muslims more than Jews and having Israel around means we can just send Jews there" kind. But some will always try to do a red-brown alliance thing, they see that an issue moves the masses and feel an opportunity to agitate and recruit.
Look, there is basically no organized left anywhere in the US, and barely anything in Western Europe. If people are getting radicalized against zionism, there's fascists that are out there seeking to turn that potential into more brownshirts. It's not hard to believe that, with no progressive movement to guide antizionist action, many confused antizionists are gonna be misled by bad actors, especially online where all the Thiel money has created vast networks and pipelines leading people into esoteric far right ideologies instead of socialism.
That doesn't mean Hasbara doesn't play both sides, of course, but chances are that yeah these people do exist and we need to try harder to get antizionists to be good leftists, not reactionaries.