What are some science fiction novels that are relatively easier for non-native English readers?
I am looking for scifi novels based on real scientific concepts, but with easy to follow plots and characters.
My English level is proficient in a professional setting, and I have no problem reading academic, medical or scientific articles in English.
I love watching documentaries on BBC, but I sometimes struggle watching dramas and sitcoms without subtitles.
I am mainly trying to find audio books that I can listen to while driving. I am half way through listening to Carl Sagan's Contact on audio, it is great and not too difficult because I've already watched the movie many times.
The Expanse series by James S A Corey (also made into an excellent TV show). All the books are a very quick read, the pacing is fast but totally comprehensive. If you can get through medical texts and academic papers, these books will be no problem.