And instead, a genocide will still be on, and also more women will go to prison for seeking medical care, and also my LGBT friends will have their rights eroded even more, and also the new president will annoint more christofascist Godkings to the Supreme Court ensuring that any attempt to vote for an actual leftist in the future is impossible, and it'll be fine, because at least you didn't vote for the guy that wouldn't have done all that extra awful shit
A vote is not an endorsement, stop treating it like it is.
Wow that all sounds awful. Biden should really try to win in order to prevent that.
I suggest he make himself more appealing by being anti-genocide.
Yeah, he should, and if he doesn't, you still have to vote for him anyway, because the alternative is necessarily worse.
It absolutely sucks that Democrats are able to make zero effort and get votes based solely on the fact that they aren't Republicans, but that's the way it is. Vote in primaries, fight to make Republicans adopt better policies so that Democrats have to react, and vote blue in November, because the alternative is half the people in the community we're arguing in going to fucking jail for being trans.
you still have to vote for him anyway
fuck you, i won't do what you tell me
Then you get someone pro genocide anyways, but you get to hold your head real high when your friends die because they had an etopic pregnancy. Good job.
that's not going to happen, so don't worry about my friends
That won't happen because you don't have any friends who are women or you don't have any friends in general? Because it absolutely will happen.
Maybe some mentally ill guy needs to kill himself in front of a pro-life rally for you to care first?
it won't happen because we take care of each other
I didn't realize you lived in a Broadway play. I'm sure that mindset will help when federal bans/police come in.
not in a Broadway play, just with a bunch of anarchists.
Same difference.
How, exactly, do you have the knowledge and capability to take care of a medical emergency that will require what would legally be, a murder?
we protect us
Reminds me of CHOP
What does this mean? You're going to give abortions for your friends because they can't legally receive the life-saving medical care they need from doctors?
You know how often this sort of thing used to kill people? You're cool having that blood on your hands?
I won't have any blood on my hands, unlike people empowering Biden or Trump.
Nah. He knows what he needs to do to get my vote.
A vote is not an endorsement, stop treating it like it is.
it is an endorsement.