Rational Self Interest
Rational Self Interest
Rational Self Interest
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NOT BUSINESS OWNERS. they arnt as bad as you think......
You seem to lack an understanding of the history of US forced regime change in Latin America and the world.
Quite a lot of (in fact most of) the coups the US have conducted have been against legitimately elected leftwing governments... And sometimes with the aid of, if not for international business interests (dole bananas being the go to example, and the reason the term banana republic exists).
Also, whilst I'm sure that fairly ethical small business operators (perhaps like yourself) easily find cultural avenues to feel attacked regularly - I think you should try to be rational and think through these feelings when you come across topics like this.
For instance, is this comic supposed to be aimed at small business owners, or is it supposed to be a lampooning of Ayn Rand's philosophies? Judging from the style, it's from the brand (one could even call them a small business): "Philosophy Comics" - which might be a clue.
...most of society's woes are aimed at large corporate and political interests, and when confronted on a personal level, most people understand the necessity and community value of small business as being useful and good in society. It tends to be the more money-hungry, greedy, and heatless aspects of large scale global Capitalism and Corporatism that society and culture aims to criticize...
...hence the grey uniforms and drab setting in this comic. So I think you've had a knee jerk reaction here, and should be aware of it to in order to detach yourself from the kinds of global large scale Capitalism, and the history of Colonialist and Imperialist involvement that the Capitalist class have often been part of. Might make you feel better.
No, I understand that history. But the extreme left influenced by ruzzia venezuela China Cuba has taken over many countries. Some fight back now, like El Salvador, Ecuador and argentina.
I don't think that's the case, also neither Putin's Russia nor Xi's China are governed from "the extreme left". Both leaders are classically Authoritarian traditionalist conservatives. Hence the mistreatment of gays in Russia, and China's laws against boy bands being too effeminate (both of which are examples of culturally conservative positions).
In fact, I'm sure many people here see how this comic can even apply to the mistreatment of factory workers toiling under the economic abuses in China and Russia, so again, your criticisms and comments aren't lining up with the depictions and intent of the comic, nor with the political state/history of the world.
You clearly have no idea what is going on in Argentina.
Owww I know a LOT.
Tell me, what do you thunk happened with twenty years of kirchenian politics? Sold the entire country to China? They went bankrupt SEVEN TIMES. for oevr a decade, the INFLATION PER YEAR WAS OVER 100%.
And Argentina is fighting back by voting Trump's dog cloning friend? Argentina's problem is not China, it's corruption and incompetence.
Milei is a moron for supporting Trump, he probably does NOT know exactly what Trump stands for. Milei is also way too religious for my liking, women's rights and so on are horrible old fashioned shit (like trump).
But yes, what he is doing YESTERDAY 1 MARCH (the may accords he announced and more) is actually 100% focussed in ending corruption. At least for now he's doing exactly what he should, economically and anti corruption and reorganizing the state departments. Don't forget they went bankrupt 7 seven times last few years and have had over a decade of ANNUAL inflation each single year over 100%....
And bad loans from china by corrupt extreme left wing (narco) communists is exactly what you and I can agree on that is the REAL problem in argentina. After they fix they I hope he thinks again before making abortions illegal etc
Milei fires a bunch of people right after Christmas, the guy is comically selfish and has no one's wellbeing in mind.
He also supports Trump, people connected to the last military dictatorship and is pretty much against anything progressive.
Lick that corporate boot some more, 8 think you missed a spot
Come live in south America and see how the political class is rich. They are all left wing narco dictators. Ecuador, Cuba, Argentina, venezuela, el salvador... All in the hands of NARCO COMMUNISTS. really, come visit.
Ecuador is currently run by a pro-democracy president who was born in Florida. Argentina by an America-friendly Libertarian, Venezuela's leader is a leftist, and is still in power because he survived a US lead coup (Aka Operation Gideon, part of which involved economic attacks)... and Cuba isn't particularly known for it's cocaine trade.
Also, you should look into the CIA whistle blower Gary Webb, who discusses US involvement in the cocaine trade at length.
You're quite lacking in solid, verifiable facts in your comments.
You are not informed, u specifically said this because el. Salvador ecuador and Argentina are trying to escape communism. While their (new) presidents do their bests, many government and congress people vote for extreme left. Their HUGE number or government workers drains their funds.
YOU ARE uninformed. I actually live here....