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Let them eat Flakes: Kellogg’s CEO says poor families should consider ‘cereal for dinner’

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  • How to achieve 100% insulin resistance (diabetes) and obesity across the entire population: instruct the populace to eat pure sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and gluten three times per day every day your entire life.

    Yeah if you care about your health don't fucking do this. More of the insane and scientifically unsupported claim that carbs good fat bad.

    • being fat isn't the same as being unhealthy

      • "Obesity is associated with the development of some of the most prevalent diseases of modem society. The greatest risk is for diabetes mellitus where a body mass index above 35 kg/m 2 increases the risk by 93-fold in women and by 42-fold in men. The risk of coronary heart disease is increased 86% by a 20% rise in weight in males, whereas in obese women the risk is increased 3.6-fold. Elevation of blood pressure, hyperlipidaemia and altered haemostatic factors are implicated in this high risk from coronary heart disease. Gallbladder disease is increased 2.7-fold with an enhanced cancer risk especialty for colorectal cancer in males and cancer of the endometrium and biliary passages in females. Endocrine changes are associated with metabolic diseases and infertility, and respiratory problems result in sleep opnoea, hypoventilation, arrhythmias and eventual cardiac failure. Obesity is not a social stigma but an actual disease"

        "Obesity is a significant risk factor for and contributor to increased morbidity and mortality, most importantly from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes, but also from cancer and chronic diseases, including osteoarthritis, liver and kidney disease, sleep apnea, and depression"

        "Obesity is an epidemic disease that threatens to inundate health care resources by increasing the incidence of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer... The combined effect of these pathogenetic consequences of increased fat stores is an increased risk of shortened life expectancy."

      • You can be the skinniest person alive and a diet of nothing but HFCS will still give you diabetes.