Do you remember the early days of the internet, when websites were a reflection of their creators unique personalities and passions? A time when the d
Wanted to ask you about this article, how do you remember the early days of the internet (I was sadly too young at that time). Do you wish it back? And do you think it can ever be like that again? I would be very interested
I remember my Technology teacher in high school (1998-ish) showing me what websites I could go to for downloading full albums for free. He initially showed me a directory just filled with Pink Floyd tracks.
You can still find things in open directories, but it doesn't have that same feel of being wild woolly and free.
I miss early social media like LiveJournal weirdly. 1999-2005-ish was wild times.
I also remember hosting DJ Dangermouse's "Grey Album" which was a mix of The Beatles White Album with Jay-Z's Black Album on my website as protest. The album was released for free, no money was made from it, yet Dangermouse was sued and banned from distributing it.