Actually yes, if we didn’t wear shoes all the time. The bottom of your feet will be more hardened from calluses where it meets the ground. Think about it this way, when we are kids we run around shoeless most of the time.
For all intents and purposes, shoes have ruined our feet. Either by crushing them together, like women’s pointed shoes and men’s cowboy boots as an example, as well as allowing the soles of our feet to soften.
As a kid I used to run up and down gravel roads and driveways barefoot without a care in the world, now the bottom of my feet can’t handle stepping on gravel without shoes.
When I was a teenager and I lived at the beach I gave up shoes for a whole summer, it was nice and my feet hardened fine, but in the city with all the people who don't watch their step and all the shit, both actual and figurative, on the floor, it's dangerous.