Former president was informed by special counsel that he is a target in federal Jan 6 investigation
The meme has been liked nearly 9,000 times and shared 2,400 times as of Monday. In reaction to Mr Trump’s repost, journalist Aaron Rupar sarcastically wrote on Twitter: “rubbing my last 2 brain cells together as I try to remember who ran the government on January 6.”
The former president shared the meme despite a House committee that investigated January 6 declaring Mr Trump the “central cause” of the day’s events. “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him,” the House panel wrote in its final report.
The most generous interpretation I can think of is that he was talking about the "deep state", some sort of hidden conspiracy of government workers working against him... by getting Trump himself to support this massive rally that everyone knew was going to turn violent and getting him to use incendiary language that would get people riled up, then also getting him to delay calling in help for as long as possible and even going so far as to get his Secret Service agents to refuse to drive him back to the rioters after he wanted to go back. Either this deep state is super nefarious and tricky... or Trump is just easily manipulated.
Personally I think it's just the usual incoherent right-wing worldview. Their concept of "the government" somehow doesn't include the president, the military, or law enforcement.
It only doesn't include the president when they have an "(R)" next to their name. Otherwise, we're currently living under the brutally totalitarian, yet bumbling and senile, dictatorship of the Biden regime.
edit: goddamnit, lemmy updated it to a circle R registration mark, but you know what I mean.
Trump supporters and media have been claiming undercover instigators from the FBI (I suppose the “deep state”) were planted in the crowd to egg them into violence and law-breaking.